Aegagropila Linnaei ‘Marimo Moss Ball’


Marimo Moss Ball

Botanical Name: Aegagropila Linnaei

Common name: Marimo Moss Ball

Marimo Moss Balls are cute little house plants and they are relatively easy to care for.

The moss balls grow 5mm per year and can reach about 5cm in diameter.

Light requirements:

Marimo’s thrive in low to medium light. The initially grew in the depths of the cold lakes. They have to be kept away from direct light as this will cause damage to the filaments.

Watering needs:

The water in the bowl needs to be changed at least once a week. Regular tap water is fine; however, you should let the tap water stand for at least 24 hours. As a treat, once every few weeks you can add carbonated water in the jar. You can also rinse your marimo ball under the tap and roll him gently between the palms of your hands to help him keep his shape.

Why is he floating?

It is quite possible that your Marimo ball has an air bubble trapped inside that is causing him to float. You can gently squeeze him to pop the air bubble. However, you will find that he will sink to the bottom of the jar within 1-2 days.


If your Marimo is turning brown, make sure to move him to a cooler location with less light. They may recover and turn green again on their own. If not, you may add a tiny amount of aquarium ocean salt.


For a spoil every week or two you can add in ice blocks or put him in the fridge for 24 hours. It may seem a little weird but he will enjoy it!

*Jar and stones only included if selected.

*Colour of stones may vary, depending on availability.

Additional information
Weight N/A
Glass Jar

Jar with stones, No Jar


Regular, Large
